
Why Leaders Fail | Parashat Shelach

In Parshat Shelach the leaders of the Jewish People failed. How did this happen? How can we overcome the challenge of leadership? How can we apply this to our personal lives? Join Rabbi Yaacov Haber for A few minutes in ushering in Shabbat Parashat Shelach 5780....

Choose To be A Hero!

Dedicated to the memory of two special men. Our Uncle Willy Quinn - חיים זאב בן זלמן פנחס. And Uncle Herman Fialkoff - חיים בן יוסף whose Yahrzeits were this week (5-6 Shvat) ת.נ.צ.ב.ה Moses had a choice to make. He chose to be a hero. Join Rabbi Yaacov Haber for 3...