Arguing With God | Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Parashat Vayeira 5780
Integrity; Living Like a Jew
Avrohom Avinu is often referred to as ‘the first Jew’. He stood out from the masses in one important way. He searched for truth. He lived by the truth. He always did what was right. “Avraham, from his earliest childhood, began his own intellectual search for truth and...
The Hero
Abraham in his life time endured ten great challenges. He withstood them all. (Pirkei Avos 5) Abraham was not the first human being to be tested by G-d. Adam and Eve were also tested; but they were not able to stand up to God’s test. The generations following Adam...
Man Of The World
So much happened in the life of Abraham that is not recorded in the Torah. The Midrashim are full of information about Avraham Avinu’s life. When the Torah begins to tell us about Abraham he is already at the advanced age of seventy five. Abraham already lived a full...
Pro-Active Judaism
In order to succeed in our business or profession we must never allow ourselves to live by reacting. If we are reacting we are not in control. If we are reacting we are living for other peoples agendas. If we are reacting we are stressed out and we go to sleep every...
Relating to the World
Abraham did not travel alone. Apart from his many followers, he had three companions: Aner, Eshkol and Mamre. When God commanded Abram (henceforth Abraham) to circumcise himself and his male household, he asked advice from these three friends in turn, as to whether he...
Abraham’s Retirement Package
For Avrohom Avinu, at ninety nine years old things started popping. When we think about a Bris Milah we immediately conjure up images of a new life, a new beginning and a fresh start. Our Parsha begins when Avrohom Avinu was ninety-nine years old. He had just had a...
Praying For Others
The following Dvar Torah was given at the Saranac Synagogue in Buffalo on Shabbat Vayera 5747, (1986), and transcribed from memory by Dr. Jeffery Zucker. We dedicate this essay in memory of Jeff's mother Ita bat Shalom, A"H, who shares her Yortzeit with Rochel Imeinu....
Do Your Thing!
Something occurred to me today. Why are we all different? Why do we all have different talents, natural skills and different likings? The answer is because we all have a different contribution to make. It is our unique abilities that define the contribution we need to...
Where Do You Stand
The following drasha was given at the Saranac Synagogue in Buffalo on Shabbat Vayera, 5748 (1987), and transcribed from memory by Jeffery Zucker. The Torah relates a heart-rending story. Abraham evicts Hagar and his son Ishmael from his house. He supplies them with...
Vayeira 5761 / 2000 (Jerom Haber)
Friday is my busiest day, especially since we changed the clock. Last Friday I received a call from someone who needed to talk. It was a stranger who had been recommended to me by a local therapist. I suggested some possible times for a meeting - Saturday night,...
Vayeira 2001
When we think about a bris milah we immediately conjure up images of a new life, a new beginning and a fresh start. Our Parsha begins when Avrohom Avinu was ninety-nine years old. He had just had a Bris Milah. It is difficult to consider ninety-nine years old a new...