What makes Jews the chosen nation? The nature of Balak's attack on the Jewish People. Join Rabbi Yaacov Haber for A few minutes in ushering in Shabbat Parashat Balak 5780. https://youtu.be/KF0oa71jEYc
Positive Eyes | Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Parshas Balak 5779
Join Rabbi Yaacov Haber for 3 minutes in ushering in Shabbos with his insight to Parshas Balak. https://youtu.be/JfZmdgwCrMg
Junk Food For The Soul
I don’t usually comment on world events but it’s difficult not to comment on the recent news from France, as some kind of response is needed .What is it that motivates someone to murder multiple strangers in cold blood? Who was Bilam? People often think of him as some...
Behold A People
Bilaam was the most successful gentile, of that generation and possibly in history. He was the parallel of Avraham Avinu and Moshe Rabbeinu. He didnt represent a specific nation; he was at the apex of the non-Jewish world as a whole. He belonged to the world. Chazal...
The Power of Zeal
G-d instructed Abraham to take his beloved son Isaac, bind him on to an alter, and sacrifice him to G-d. The Torah reports that Abraham "ROSE UP IN THE MORNING" to perform G-d's will with enthusiasm and zeal. Bilaam intended to place a fatal curse on the Jewish...
Right Eyed
Some people are right handed while others are left. Apparently, there are right footed people and left footed people. Neurologists have discovered that there are right brained men and women and others that are left brained. The mekubalim have taught us yet another...
The Vision of Bilaam
We tend to understand the eye as an instrument that transfers information to the brain. Similar to the ears its function is intake. According to our teachings, however, the eyes have yet another function. They transfer energy, produced by the Neshama, outward into the world. When you look at an item or a person you are actually transferring some energy of your soul onto that item or person. If you transfer good soul energy it is called ‘Ayin HaTov’. If you transfer negative soul energy it is called ‘Ayin HaRa’. When we feel genuinely happy for another person’s successes and acquisitions we are giving them, through our eyes, a blessing. When we are full of jealousy,covetousness and hate we disadvantage them with an ‘Ayin HaRa’.
Parshas Balak 5760
A thought for the week on Parshas Balak
Parshas Balak 1987
Insights for Parshas Balak