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Erev Purim 5784

Dear Friends,

Recently, I had the solemn opportunity to visit Rabbi Rafi Asulin, a local Rosh Yeshivah and his wife, as they mourned their son Yehoshua HYD, tragically killed in Gaza. Their home became a gathering place for Jews from all backgrounds, united in honoring the bravery and sacrifice of their beloved son who fell defending Eretz Yisroel and the Jewish people.

It was during this time that the Rabbi shared a profound insight with me: while the concept of a shared Jewish soul is widely acknowledged in Kabbalistic teachings, he had come to see that we also share a collective heart.

This difficult period in Israel reveals the undeniable beauty of how our community comes together in Israel’s most challenging moments. Volunteers from across the globe are working hand-in-hand with locals to support soldiers, refugees, and grieving families, ensuring they have what they need.

The repercussions of the conflict have touched and affected everyone. Nearly every industry has suffered financially, placing an additional burden on countless hardworking individuals who are having a difficult time making ends meet. For many families, who were struggling even without the war, meeting basic needs like rent and food has intensified. I’ve been in direct contact with these families and know them personally.

I am reaching out to you — my friends, students, and supporters — to help me help those in dire need. All of your tax-deductible donations will go directly to these families. Please join me in the Mitzvah of Matanos L’evyonim.

To contribute in the USA Via PayPal
To contribute in Israel Via KSY (please choose Rav’s Tzedaka fund from dropdown)

Rabbi Yaacov Haber

Rav Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun

Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel

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