We Can’t Resist | Vayakhel-Pekudei 5781
Trained in Treblinka | Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Parshas Pekudei 5779
Finding Our Purpose
Whatever happened to Betzalel? The Talmud tells a story. Rabbi Tarphon was ill and his very important friends, Rabbi Akiva, Rabban Gamliel and others, came to visit. They met his mother at the door crying. She pleaded with the Tzaddikim to “please pray for her son...
What is an “Ayin Hara”?
Parshas Shekalim. What is an Evil Eye? According to the Maharal it’s the power of prayer.
The Boutique Shul
In order for the world to work as designed, with peace and holiness, the Presence of Hashem, the Shechinah, must be embedded into the world. To achieve this we needed a project that would bring all the tribes of Israel, in spite of their differences, together. The...
Rise to the Call (2006)
Perhaps our minds are clouded by our idea of what we should become, and G-d's idea just gets in the way. Whatever happened to Betzalel? The Talmud tells a story. Rabbi Tarphon was ill and his very important friends, Rabbi Akiva, Rabban Gamliel and others, came to...
Rise to the Call (2006)
Perhaps our minds are clouded by our idea of what we should become, and G-d's idea just gets in the way. Whatever happened to Betzalel? The Talmud tells a story. Rabbi Tarphon was ill and his very important friends, Rabbi Akiva, Rabban Gamliel and others, came to...