What Side Are We On?
The Chanukah story took place 2190 years ago in the year 176 BCE. At that time the Jews lived in Israel in relative peace. Yet, while we were living a traditional Jewish lifestyle in Jerusalem a world revolution was going on. The Syrian-Greeks who were the strongest...
Searching for Light
I was thinking about Chanuka, and a new idea occurred to me. Chanuka, the Festival of Lights, occurs at the darkest time of the year -- the time when you would least expect it. And this is an important characteristic of Judaism: that light, and holiness, occur where...
A History of the Shechinah
Lately I have started praying for something new. I still pray for good health, for my children, for peace in Israel, and for parnossa — but I now realize that it really all comes down to one thing. I have started praying for the Shechinah. I realize that when G-d...

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Rabbi Sender Haber
Rabbi Sender Haber is a rabbi and educator who has inspired many Jews to expand their Jewish identity and increase their love of Torah and commitment to its observance.

Rabbi Tzvi Haber
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber is sought after by all who know him for his Halachic and practical advice. His keen ability to put complicated matters into a digestible perspective coupled with his ability to get the facts, make him the perfect blogger to help us all “Do It Right”.