
You are What You See

The people of Israel needed to see for themselves. They needed to check out Israel with their own eyes before they would agree to the Land of Israel as their homeland. This little due diligence that they performed, however, had catastrophic consequences which seemed...

The Miriam Vision

Miriam couldn't move and the Jewish people didn't want to wait. The Jewish people were ready to move. They were on their way to Eretz Yisroel. Miriam couldn't move. Miriam became ill with Tzoraas (a form of spiritual leprosy) and had to be in quarantine for seven...

Why is G-D Showing me This Picture?

The Baal Shem Tov once said: If a person, going about their business, encounters something ugly like corruption or violence, he or she should stop and think. Why is G-d showing me this picture? There must be a reason. The scene before us is a mirror, which reflects an...

Make Things Happen!

Yaakov's son Reuven saw that his mother Leah was barren. It was harvest time and Reuven was walking through the fields. He stumbled upon some dudaim, a medical herb that he thought would improve the Shalom Bayis situation at home. He picked them and gave them to his...

You Never Lost It

You Never Lost It

What do you do if you are going crazy looking for something you misplaced and you just can't find it anywhere? Say the following: 'Rabbi Binyamin said: The whole world is blind until G-d opens our eyes and we see' (Breishis Rabba 52) Then make a pledge to the charity...

Stumbling Upon Solutions

In Breishis we are told that Yaakov’s son Reuven saw that his mother Leah was barren. It was harvest time and Reuven was walking through the fields. He stumbled upon some “dudaim”, a medical herb that he thought would improve the Shalom Bayis situation at home. He...

Leaders: A Jewish Definition

A Jewish leader is the man or woman that has demonstrated that he can take the heat, even a beating, on behalf of the Jewish people. My son Yosef Moshe is named after Reb Yosef Moshe Haber who was referred to as the Parnes of Kalish. He was trusted by his community...

The Desert – A Blank Canvas

The Desert – A Blank Canvas

When important meetings, conventions or summits take place location is of the utmost importance. The greatest political minds come together to choose Oslo or Geneva. They search the globe for political neutrality, proper security and appropriate ambiance. The location...

Making The Heart Decisions

The children of Korach were in a dilemma. They were sitting with their father when Moshe and his entourage walked by. Who could not stand up for Moshe? On the other hand, they knew how their father Korach felt toward Moshe. They knew if they stood up for the leader of...

“Just Kill Me Now!”

Moses was the quintessential leader. He fearlessly served our people as a shepherd, teacher, coach and of course a prophet at every moment of every day. Time after time he represented us before G-d, he defended us before G-d, and he argued with G-d on our behalf....

Right Eyed

Some people are right handed while others are left. Apparently, there are right footed people and left footed people. Neurologists have discovered that there are right brained men and women and others that are left brained. The mekubalim have taught us yet another...

The Jewish Response

At this time, during the three week period before the Ninth of Av, when so many afflictions have befallen the Jewish people, I want to suggest to you an outlook appropriate for the period. Let me begin with a true story from the Six Day War. As you may know, many...

Off The Derech?

One of the greatest tragedies of our times is when every once in a while a young man or women makes a decision to walk away from generations of tradition, from years of education, from the love and encouragement of his or her parents to embrace a way that our fathers...

Fire Made by God

How can you tell the difference between a fire made by man and a fire made by G-d? A fire made by man gives warmth and light, but only burns while consuming its fuel. If nothing is consumed -" the fire goes out. A fire made by G-d gives light and heat but does not...

Off The Derech!

If there are so many people going ‘off the derech’ maybe it’s the ‘derech’ that is ‘off the derech”! There are too many people that just don’t seem to fit in. Let’s open a window into Jewish history just where this week’s Parsha takes us. By this time Moshe had...

The Vision of Bilaam

We tend to understand the eye as an instrument that transfers information to the brain. Similar to the ears its function is intake. According to our teachings, however, the eyes have yet another function. They transfer energy, produced by the Neshama, outward into the world. When you look at an item or a person you are actually transferring some energy of your soul onto that item or person. If you transfer good soul energy it is called ‘Ayin HaTov’. If you transfer negative soul energy it is called ‘Ayin HaRa’. When we feel genuinely happy for another person’s successes and acquisitions we are giving them, through our eyes, a blessing. When we are full of jealousy,covetousness and hate we disadvantage them with an ‘Ayin HaRa’.

A History of the Shechinah

Lately I have started praying for something new. I still pray for good health, for my children, for peace in Israel, and for parnossa — but I now realize that it really all comes down to one thing. I have started praying for the Shechinah. I realize that when G-d...

Receiving the Torah – In the desert

Receiving the Torah – In the desert

When important meetings, conventions or summits take place location is of the utmost importance. The greatest political minds come together to choose Oslo or Geneva. They search the globe for political neutrality, proper security and appropriate ambiance. The location...

Korach 2005

Historically it has been the division between Jews that has caused us to lose our land. Jerusalem has turned orange. It?s almost impossible to walk or drive on the streets of Yerushalayim without seeing dozens of orange ribbons tied to car mirrors, antennas,...

Korach 2003

Just because we are acting with perseverance, courage and self-sacrifice it doesn?t mean that we are acting with nobility. Last week, while on vacation, I watched a documentary that made a huge impression on me. ?Walking In to Thin Air? is a true story about an...

Shlach 2005

It is very simple. G-d gave us a gift and we snubbed it. What you have been searching for all your life may be right in front of you, but you won?t see it unless G-d opens your eyes. You can be standing in front of your soul mate for 100 years and unless G-d opens...

Shlach 2003

You can stand next to your soul mate for 100 years and not even know it. You can stand next to the thing you are looking for all your life, but you won?t see it unless G-d opens your eyes. You can stand next to your soul mate for 100 years, and unless G-d opens your...

Its Not So Simple!

Beside for having a problem on your hand - you may have a godol on your hand. One of the greatest tragedies of our times is when every once in a while a young man or women makes a decision to walk away from generations of tradition, from years of education, from the...

Behaaloscha 2003

G-d does not always do things to the way we feel they should be done. The Jewish people were ready to move. They were on their way to Eretz Yisroel. But Miriam couldn't move. Miriam became ill with Tzoraas and had to be in quarantine for seven days. Three million...

Talk to the Rock! G-d May Suprise You

Talk to the Rock! G-d May Suprise You

Moshe was grieving for his sister. In his frustration, He admonished the people, and called them "morim" which has the same letters as Miriam (MRYM), he said: Miriam is dead; how will I ever be able to get water from a rock without her? Miriam occupied a very special...

Are You Stuck?

Are You Stuck?

The greatest attribute of our people is that we are a stiff necked people. The greatest fault of our people is that we are a stiff necked people! There was a plague in the desert which was caused by the complaining and bickering of the Jewish people. They were...