I’m feeling okay about the nine days this year. Even Tisha B’Av! That may sound radical, so let’s explain why. The Talmud (Yoma 5) describes a scene toward the desecration and destruction of the Beis HaMikdash by the Babylonians. According to the Medrash in Eicha, a...
“We Need Our Space”
"We love Torah and we love G-d, but we can't live together with the rest of the Jewish people. We are willing to support you, teach you, do business with you; we'll even fight in your wars! But we need our own space." These were the words of the leaders of Gad and...
Make Things Happen!
Yaakov's son Reuven saw that his mother Leah was barren. It was harvest time and Reuven was walking through the fields. He stumbled upon some dudaim, a medical herb that he thought would improve the Shalom Bayis situation at home. He picked them and gave them to his...
Stumbling Upon Solutions
In Breishis we are told that Yaakov’s son Reuven saw that his mother Leah was barren. It was harvest time and Reuven was walking through the fields. He stumbled upon some “dudaim”, a medical herb that he thought would improve the Shalom Bayis situation at home. He...
Off The Derech!
If there are so many people going ‘off the derech’ maybe it’s the ‘derech’ that is ‘off the derech”! There are too many people that just don’t seem to fit in. Let’s open a window into Jewish history just where this week’s Parsha takes us. By this time Moshe had...
Matos-Masei 5748
A thought for the week on Parshiyos Matos-Masei