
Approaching The Finish Line

We’ve all been there. We are enjoying the first course at the wedding meal. There is light music in the background, pleasant conversation and a beautiful setting. Suddenly the band pumps up. With pomp and fanfare the music reaches a crescendo and a new beginning is...

The Big Picture

A serious change took place with the Jewish people. In Egypt, Moshe had observed that the people he was to lead were a difficult people. He had seen Jews beating each other and informing on each other. He was frustrated by how they didn't get along, and complained...
Take Your Shoes Off

Take Your Shoes Off

When Moshe Rabeinu approached the burning bush he heard G-d speak to him. “Take off your shoes!” G-d commanded. “You are standing on holy ground.” Why did G-d command Moshe to take off his shoes, and not to cover his head or prepare his heart?...

Eikev 2006

This is a difficult time for Israel. All of us our glued to our news sources searching to find any new development on the war in Israel. Unfortunately the news has not been good. Here in Jerusalem you can find posters on the walls of the city announcing the funerals...

Eikev 2005

We speak of sensitivity as if it is some sort of disease. We often tell our spouses, our children or our employees to stop being so sensitive. We work on ourselves and exercise our emotions so that we should become less sensitive. We speak of sensitivity as if it is...