by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Apr 1, 2016 | Shemini
We are waiting for the Shechina to come down. It’s not happening! What can we do? “And it came to pass on the eighth day of inauguration of the Mishkan” Six Parshios and at least 12 difficult tractates of the Talmud are dedicated to getting us ready...
by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Jan 9, 2015 | Shemot
Moshe was eighty years old when he stumbled upon the burning bush. He was a senior shepherd entering into the final trimester of his life. He was a poor man. Those weren’t his own flocks that he was watching, they belonged to his aged father-in-law Yisro. He had...
by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Sep 21, 2012 | Vayelech
How does the Ribono Shel Olam decide our destiny for the upcoming year? How does He judge us? The answer is simple. The same way we judge others. A Medrash. Hashem said to Moshe “Hain Kirvu Yamecho Lamus”. Your time has come. The end of your life is here....
by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Mar 19, 2010 | Vayikra
God called him Moshe The name “Moshe” is perhaps the most famous name in Jewish history. Moshe saved the Jewish people; Moshe performed miracles; Moshe told us how to act; Moshe brought us the Torah; Moshe led us through the desert. It is significant to note that...
by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Aug 7, 2009 | Ekev
When Moshe Rabeinu approached the burning bush he heard G-d speak to him. “Take off your shoes!” G-d commanded. “You are standing on holy ground.” Why did G-d command Moshe to take off his shoes, and not to cover his head or prepare his heart?...