When Blessings Conflict

When Blessings Conflict

A dream is the first step of any new venture. We see a vision for our lives, our families, our community and the world we live in. We dream about how the world can be improved, and of the contribution that we can make. I personally dream of a life of Torah and a home...

Holiness in Judaism

In today’s parsha we read about the various restrictions applying to kohanim (or “priests”, although I am uncomfortable with this translation, for reasons which will become clear). For example, a kohen may not “contaminate himself”...

Where Did All The Leaders Go?

This week’s parsha speaks of the different models of leadership; the king, the judge, the Kohein and the prophet. It’s relatively easy to examine and criticize leaders but as the saying goes; the people get the leader they deserve. As we arrive at Chodesh...