
Can Jewish Leaders Work Together?

We are waiting for the Shechina to come down. It’s not happening! What can we do? “And it came to pass on the eighth day of inauguration of the Mishkan” Six Parshios and at least 12 difficult tractates of the Talmud are dedicated to getting us ready...
Shining Our Souls

Shining Our Souls

‘What good is a lamp in the sunshine!’ Our characters have been marked with Poland, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Amsterdam, Morocco and Turkey. All of our ancestors have traveled through the desert. Our character has been altered – how could it not be?...

Approaching The Finish Line

We’ve all been there. We are enjoying the first course at the wedding meal. There is light music in the background, pleasant conversation and a beautiful setting. Suddenly the band pumps up. With pomp and fanfare the music reaches a crescendo and a new beginning is...

Holiness in Judaism

In today’s parsha we read about the various restrictions applying to kohanim (or “priests”, although I am uncomfortable with this translation, for reasons which will become clear). For example, a kohen may not “contaminate himself”...

Jewish Self Consciousness

Do not shame My holy name; sanctify me amongst the people of Israel, I am G-d. (Vayikra 22; 32) This is a strange juxtaposition. Chilul Hashem is the biggest aveira. Kidush Hashem is the biggest mitzva. One would think that the person prone to making a chilul Hashem...