
The Quest For Jerusalem

Behold! I put before you today the blessing and the curse! Can there be peace in Israel? We are all so frustrated by what seems to be a problem without any solution. The smartest people in the world can’t seem to figure this one out. Why doesn’t G-d send...
Searching for Light

Searching for Light

I was thinking about Chanuka, and a new idea occurred to me. Chanuka, the Festival of Lights, occurs at the darkest time of the year — the time when you would least expect it. And this is an important characteristic of Judaism: that light, and holiness, occur...

The Eicha Revolution

The Kotzker Rebbe observed: “There is no place lonelier than a room full of people.” Walk into a wedding or a Bar Mitzvah. Everyone is eating, dancing and singing. Who would think that loneliness is even possible in this room? But if you are a stranger in that room,...
Israel Independence Day

Israel Independence Day

I originally wrote this article in 2008 but as I review it and read the headlines of the Israeli newspapers it seems even more relevant today. There is nothing that brings out my identity crises more than living in Eretz Yisroel on Yom Haatzmaut. This week a large...