In memory of my father Abe Sodden לעילוי נשמת אברהם בן ציון בן יצחק The New Jew. How Jews reinvent themselves in every generation Join me for three minutes to learn about Parashat Miketz and Zos Chanukah!...
1. The Time to Light Chanukah Candles by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Hilchos Chanukah 2. Megillas Taanis and Chanukah by Rabbi Yaacov Haber | Hilchos Chanukah...
Our function in this world is to activate G-d’s light. G-d said: “Light the Menorah and the world will see that it is not I that illuminate the world but you.” (Medrash Shmos Rabba 36;2) When the world was created G-d said “Let there be...