Our function in this world is to activate G-d’s light. G-d said: “Light the Menorah and the world will see that it is not I that illuminate the world but you.” (Medrash Shmos Rabba 36;2) When the world was created G-d said “Let there be...
There is a story I have been selling all week. Someone came to his Rabbi with a serious problem. Yom Kippur is coming and the Mets game comes out the same time as Kol Nidrei! The Rabbi put his arm comfortingly on the shoulder of his congregant and said Marvin, what...
In the story of the Creation of the world, it is recorded that “G-d blessed the seventh day” (Gen. 2:3). How did He bless the Sabbath? According to Rashi, He blessed it with manna, by providing a double portion on Fridays, while the Israelites were in the...
In Koheles (Ecclesiastes), the book of Solomon’s wisdom, there appears the statement: “ve-H’ yevakesh es-nirdaf”, (Eccl. 3:15), which can be translated as: “And G-d seeks out him who is pursued”, or perhaps: “And G-d favors...