When you journey inward you begin with the outside and you work your way in.
Abraham was told to go on a journey to the unknown
– “to the Land which I will show you.”
“Lech Lecho! – Go out from your country, from your birth place and from your father’s house.” The Midrash points out that order of G-d's command was reversed. If you are going somewhere, first you leave your house, than your city and then your country! With Abraham it says the opposite.
The Midrash explains that it all depends on the journey. If you are going outward, you leave your house first and then work your way outward. Abraham's journey though had a different dimension to it. His was a journey inward – a journey into his soul. When you journey inward you begin with the outside and you work your way in. (M”R Lech Lecho).
Just like when Abraham journeyed outward he had no idea where he would end up. So too when he journeyed inward, “to the Land which I will show you” he had no idea where his journey would take him. Abraham for the first time would encounter his soul.
“Lech Lecho!” Go to you. Travel inward and discover your soul.
The world is a very busy place. We are busy caring for our health, our children, our livelihood, our friends, our exercise programs, our vacations and so much more. Sometimes we are even busy saving the world. We go and we go and sometimes we have absolutely no idea where we will end up. We get so tied up in our 'journeys' that we can lose touch with why we are taking all these journeys to begin with. What is it all for? This information is available only from the soul.
Before Abraham can embark on his mission outward to the unknown he must first get in touch with his own neshama. Lech Lecho! He must find out who he is, what his purpose is, and why he must go there.
We too have to take a deep breath and do a “Lech Lecho” Travel inward and discover your soul.