A. Make a list of the people you have hurt including your relatives. Next to each name indicate what you did and the effect it had. Write down why you feel badly about it.
Try asking them or writing them a letter for forgiveness.
If the person is no longer alive take the letter to the grave.
B. Make a list of the people who have hurt you. Ask yourself if you were to blame at all? Forgive them even if you weren't to blame.
Keep asking yourself “What is really important”
If someone asks you for forgiveness imagine that it is your last day on earth. Imagine that G-d asked you to forgive that person?
C. List the baggage and burdens of someone who has hurt you.
D. If you hurt someone, apologize even if you are right.
E. Practice being kind to those who hurt you.
If a relationship has been damaged be the first to act loving or to reach out.
F. The next time you're about to say, “I'm sorry??, say instead “forgive me.??