Join The Ahronian Movement

Join The Ahronian Movement

There is a Midrash that at Aharon HaKohen’s funeral procession he was accompanied by 80,000 young men. There was a curious fact about all of these young men - they were all called Aharon. They were, in fact referred to as the Aharonim. Why were there so many young men...

Defining Greatness – Emor

Defining Greatness – Emor

In Kedoshim, the portion of the Torah that teaches us how to be holy, we learned that being a holy person, is primarily focussed on interpersonal relationships. The classic themes of holiness refer to asceticism, a serious demeanor, and so on, may be part of the...

It Takes A Village

I once read an astounding study that affects us all. A certain philanthropist in Long Island is funding an academic study on the “fallout” from Judaism. Why are so many children falling through the cracks of the Jewish community? We all have our own ideas and theories...

Holiness in Judaism

In today's parsha we read about the various restrictions applying to kohanim (or "priests", although I am uncomfortable with this translation, for reasons which will become clear). For example, a kohen may not "contaminate himself" ("lo yitama", whatever that means...

Jewish Self Consciousness

Do not shame My holy name; sanctify me amongst the people of Israel, I am G-d. (Vayikra 22; 32) This is a strange juxtaposition. Chilul Hashem is the biggest aveira. Kidush Hashem is the biggest mitzva. One would think that the person prone to making a chilul Hashem...

The Company Man

The Company Man

"Do not shame My holy name; sanctify me amongst the people of Israel, I am G-d." (Vayikra 22; 32) This is a strange juxtaposition. Chillul Hashem is the biggest aveira. Kiddush Hashem is the biggest mitzva. One would think that the person prone to making a Chillul...