The Multi Colored Coat

The Multi Colored Coat

This week's Torah portion describes the envy between Joseph and his brothers, “Sinat Chinam”, and to what extent that envy can damage even the greatest and holiest of families. The jealousy and hate that Joseph's brothers had toward him motivated them to plot Josephs...

Just Do It!

Just Do It!

Shmuel Fixler A"H, a wonderful Jew who lived in Buffalo, NY, when I served as Rabbi there, once taught me a valuable lesson. Reb Shmuel was a Holocaust survivor. He had been through Hell, and the Nazis not only murdered most of his family, they also killed his...

Judging Character

Judging Character

In today's parsha we read how, after the brothers had sold Joseph into slavery, Judah married a Canaanite woman and had three sons, the first two of whom, Er and Onan, died because of their sins, and then shortly thereafter his wife died. The Sforno explains that...