
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber

Rabbi, Los Angeles, CA
Post Pesach Supermarket Scene 2016

Post Pesach Supermarket Scene 2016

Post Pesach Supermarket Shopping 5776-2016 Edition There is much ado every year as to where one can shop immediately following Pesach, how long the restrictions apply for and to what products. I hope this is found to be enlightening. My goal is not to issue a halachic...
Halachic Lessons From Kriyas Yam Suf

Halachic Lessons From Kriyas Yam Suf

(לא ימיש עמוד הענן יומם ועמוד האש לילה (שמות יג:כב – There was a cloud that led Bnai Yisrael during the day, and a pillar of fire by night. The Gemara (Shabbos 23b) deduces from this posuk that the pillar of fire arrived before the cloud left, and the cloud arrived in...
Post Pesach Supermarket Scene 2016

Post Pesach Supermarket Shopping – 2015 / 5775

There is much ado every year as to where one can shop immediately following Pesach, how long the restrictions apply for and to what products. I hope this is found to be enlightening. My goal is not to issue a halachic decision with this article, rather to present the...
Saying Hatov Vehameitiv at the Seder

Saying Hatov Vehameitiv at the Seder

Although the usual blessing made before drinking wine is Borei Pri Hagefen, in very specific circumstances one may make the blessing of Hatov Vehameitiv. The specific circumstances is worthy of an article of its own, however in a nutshell, when a second wine is...