
Rabbi Sender Haber

Rabbi, Monsey, NY

Vacation where?!

I get the same response from everyone. Lakewood is pretty intense town. Even during the three week summer break the dress code stays the same: black pants, white button down shirts, jackets and hats. Everyone davens three times a day in serious minyanim with no talking. The study halls aren’t packed but they are still full.

There is a forest behind the Frum development where I am staying. My intrepid nephew led my sons and I over the fence and through the brush to a path and a clearing. After a few minutes we came to a brackish lake, an aging deck jutting out into the water. Out on the dock sits a lone Kollel yungerman enjoying his vacation. We watched as he cast his line and reeled it in, pausing periodically to grab something from the tackle box or the white plastic bucket at his side.

Vacation in Lakewood.

By Rabbi Sender Haber

Rabbi Sender Haber is an acclaimed Teacher and Community Rabbi. He currently resides in Chestnut Ridge, NY.


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