The Jewish people were given very specific instructions about their conquest of Eretz Yisroel. The...
Eikev – Describing G-d
In describing G-d, Moshe used the words א-ל, גדול, גבור, ונורא – Powerful, Great, Strong, and...
V’eschanan – Two on Comfort
Moshe addressed the Jewish people before his death and talked to them about his expectations. He...
Parshas Devarim – Shabbos Chazon
The Haftorah of Shabbos Chazon is designed to get us into the Tisha B’av spirit. It is a prophecy...
Matos Masai – The Land of Love
The Land of Love Moshe Rabbeinu led an accomplished life. He took us out of Egypt and brought...
Pinchas – Compassion
The daughters of Tzelafched were upset because their father had died and there was nobody to...
Balak – Just Because
Bilaam began by going up on a mountain so that he could look down and see how isolated and alone...
Chukas – The Rolling Stone- Lessons From Miriam’s Well
When Miriam was very young, she predicted that her brother Moshe would grow up to be a great...
Korach – The Sons of Korach
Tehillim is divided into five books, with the second beginning at Chapter 42. Perek 42 begins with...
Shelach – Outlook
The Jewish people could be pardoned for spying on the land of Israel. It was a regular military...
Behaaloscha – Slovin’ It
What was so terrible about the Slav? The people wanted some meat. It wasn’t even steak, it was...
Naso – Undefined
We find three people in Nasso who are encouraged to stay even further away from sin than they need...
Re’eh – Destructive Traits
The Jewish people were given very...
Eikev – Describing G-d
In describing G-d, Moshe used the...
V’eschanan – Two on Comfort
Moshe addressed the Jewish people...
Rabbi Sender Haber is the Rabbi of the B’nai Israel Congregation in Norfolk, VA. He is well-known throughout Hampton Roads, having arrived over fifteen years ago as one of the original four members of the Norfolk Area Community Kollel. In that capacity, Rabbi Haber was involved in community-wide programming, teaching, and outreach. He has inspired many Jews to expand their Jewish identity and increase their love of Torah and commitment to its observance. Everyone who knows Rabbi Haber is touched by his breadth of Torah knowledge and his ability to convey the wisdom of the ages in such a way as to make those esoteric writings accessible to persons of all levels of experience and a variety of backgrounds.
Rabbi Haber has served in a number of capacities during his years in Norfolk. Since 2003, Rabbi Haber has been a teacher of Jewish Studies at Toras Chaim Day School in Portsmouth, teaching boys and girls of all ages, with a focus on Gemara, Halacha, and Chumash. He has also taught at Yeshivas Aish Kodesh and Bina High School in Norfolk, and served as Assistant Rabbi of B’nai Israel for 6 years. He also serves as the Rabbi of the “Lost Tribe,” Tidewater’s Jewish Motorcycle group! While handling all of these responsibilities, he has continued to participate in numerous chavrusas (one-on-one learning partnerships) covering a wide range of topics and writings.
Rabbi Haber and his wife Chamie have been married for sixteen years. They have five children, Minna, Moshe, Ely, Akiva Meir and Chava. They both come from rabbinic families steeped in Torah, kiruv, and chessed. Rabbi Haber received his Rabbinic Ordination (Yoreh Yoreh) from Rabbi Sender Rosenbloom and Rabbi Mordechai Freidlander of the Jerusalem Beth Din. He was awarded a Teaching Certificate by Torah Umesorah Association for Jewish Day Schools in 2004 and again in 2009. In addition, Rabbi Haber has spent over a decade studying Talmud, Jewish Law, and ethics in some of the world’s most prestigious Yeshivos including Beth Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood, NJ and Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem.
Mosaica Haggadah:
Why is this Haggadah different from all other Haggadahs?
Join Rabbi Sender and Chamie Haber and their charming family at their Pesach Seder – and experience this special night with this most special educational Haggadah.
Unique features include:
- Real questions and insightful comments of dozens of bright and engaging students
- Fascinating and meaningful short explanations by a world-class educator
- Yocheved Nadell’s delightful contemporary illustrations
- Laminated pages to allow for easy use at the Seder table for many years
Year after year, Jews of all affiliations celebrate the Passover Seder surrounded by loved ones. Indeed, handing down the story of our people each year at the Pesach Seder transcends generations.
Rabbi Sender and Chamie’s Passover Seders are known far and wide for being entertaining, interesting and unforgettable. The Mosaica Haggadah will inspire your family like never before.
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