by Rabbi Sender Haber | Apr 3, 2020
I It is documented that for at least nine hundred years it has been the custom of Jews to congregate in shul on the afternoon of the Shabbos before Pesach to hear the Rabbi speak. But that is not why this Shabbos is called Shabbos Hagadol – The Great Shabbos. The...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Apr 14, 2019
I The wicked son wants to know “What is this work to you?”, because he removed himself from the Klal – the Jewish people – he has denied the main thing. We blunt his teeth and tell him “Hashem did this for me when I left Egypt”. If he were there he would...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Feb 20, 2019
I’ve been thinking about the second set of Luchos. Why were they necessary? We don’t have them today and they don’t seem that integral to the Jewish people. As a matter of fact, the idea of a symbol that we can gather around and pray toward seems almost wrong in the...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Sep 28, 2018
On Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos, we say a special Hoshana from Rabbi Menachem ben Machir who lived about 1000 years ago. He is also the author of some of the Kinos and the ‘Reshus’ for the Chassan Torah on Simchas Torah. In the first couplet of the Hoshana we ask Hashem...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Aug 17, 2018
The Torah tells us (21-1) about a dead man who was found outside the city. The elders of the city and the kohanim need to go out to a valley and slaughter a calf and promise that they didn’t kill the man. It seems a little bit unfair. Obviously, the village elders...