
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber

Rabbi, Los Angeles, CA
Maaser Sheini – Maintaining the Connection

Maaser Sheini – Maintaining the Connection

We are familiar with the concept of Maaser Sheini. You take your tithe, bring it, or its monetary value to Jerusalem, and let it here, in the presence of the Bais Hamikdash. We do the same with Maaser Beheimah – we tithe our animals, bring them up to Jerusalem, and...
Matanos Levyonim – Laws and Parameters

Matanos Levyonim – Laws and Parameters

When the commandment is set forth to create the holiday of Purim, at the end of Megillas Esther, it is set forth as a “day of feasting and joy, of sending food to each other, and gifts to the destitute” (Esther 9:22). This verse is the source for many of the mitzvos...