UPDATED FEB. 2015: The News is full of Measles outbreaks. In 2013, according to the World Health Organization there were 400 deaths every single day due to measles. This is due to vaccines.
Yes, vaccines are to blame for the low measles fatality rates. In the year 2000, before a global acceleration of the measles vaccine, there were approximately 1500 deaths a day from Measles. And in 1980, before vaccination was widespread, there were more than 7000 deaths a day caused by measles. That is deaths. Per day. Most of these deaths are children under the age of 5.
Due to the latest outbreak, and the increased vaccine discussion, I was asked to recirculate the article written on the occasion of the polio outbreak in Israel in 2013.
08/2013 There have been some recent reports in Southern Israel of the polio virus being discovered. As a result the Ministry of Health is encouraging all children born after January 1 2004 to receive a special inoculation, which is available for free. This has led to some discussion of vaccinations in general, and I would like to present the halachic perspective. At the end of the article we will discuss the polio vaccine specifically.
First, a word about polio, a disease which we are not familiar with, Boruch Hashem. Polio causes acute paralysis that can lead to permanent physical disability and even death. Before polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported each year in the United States. Annual epidemics of polio often left victims—mostly children—in braces, crutches, wheelchairs, and, in serious cases, iron lungs. Many of the children that survived experienced life-long consequences from the disease.
It is important to note that almost all vaccines are not effective in 100% of the population, and therefore rely on a herd, meaning if everyone is inoculated there will not be enough carriers to infect those whom the vaccine did not work for.
Another vaccine that has been scrutinized lately is the MMR vaccine. MMR inoculates against measles, mumps and rubella, three potentially fatal disease. Some history is in order:
MMR was first linked to autism in The Lancet, 1998 by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and twelve coauthors. It was widely circulated and featured on 60 Minutes. However the science behind the study was suspect, and over the years 10 of the 12 coauthors withdrew their names. In February 2010 The Lancet retracted the article, and in March 2010 Dr. Wakefield lost his medical license due to having acted irresponsibly.
Additionally the main factor studied was Thimerosal, a mercury based ingredient that was used in vaccines. As of 2001 the Thimerosal was removed from almost all vaccines.
However, there is still much lingering confusion in the general populace, and much misinformation being spread purporting that the vaccine should not be given. This thinking has taken grip in many Orthodox communities, and unfortunately, over the years there have been outbreaks in Jewish enclaves of mumps and measles. These are diseases that can be fatal, and/or have lifelong effects on the health of the diseased.
Avoiding Pre-Existing Danger
There is a very clear commandment in the Torah to take preventative action to avoid danger – the obligation to build a Maakeh, agate around a rooftop, or anywhere from which one can fall. We find that this concept extends on a Torah level to be “exceedingly careful” to avoid all dangerous situations, food, and activities – (see CM 427).
We find many activities and foods that were prohibited by Chazal due to the possibility of danger, and the well-known adage that Chamira Sakanta Meisura, we are stricter with risk than prohibitions, underscores this.
There is some discussion in the poskim as to the risk factor needed to be considered a dangerous activity. According to all opinions if it is 50% or higher it is forbidden, and according to many a significant risk such as a 10% risk is prohibited as well.
However, we find that even when there is only a small chance of danger the action or food is prohibited, see IGM OC 2:100.
Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski wrote that although there is a rule of Shomer Pesaim Hashem, Hashem protects the foolish, which the Gemara uses as a rationale to explain risky behavior, that only applies when it’s a distant and minor concern (Achiezer 1:23). Others write that the rule only applies when the concern is by and large disregarded and ignored.
Proactive Healthy Action
Until now we have discussed avoiding existing dangerous situations. There is much less Halachic literature written about proactively protecting oneself from unsafe circumstances.
The most notable is the Rambam (Deos 4) who describes healthy living as part of Avodas Hashem, and therefore includes eating, sleeping and exercise habits as part of the overall service to Hashem.
The opinion of the Rambam (as understood by Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach) is that contemporary medical advice is to be the basis of what is considered healthy living.
There is also some discussion on the poskim regarding healthy people fleeing a smallpox epidemic, the Rema (YD:116:5) and the Mishna Berura quoting the Shelah (OC 576 MB 14) write that one must flee the town in which people are contracting smallpox.
So it would seem clear that there is an obligation to take steps to prevent and avoid disease, and presumably vaccinations would be required as well.
However vaccination is somewhat different than flight as it’s not inherently risk free. There is a very small possibility that the person receiving the inoculation will get sick as well.
When the smallpox vaccine was first invented, the Tiferes Yisroel (see commentary to Yoma 8:3) was asked whether one should be vaccinated.
The risk of vaccination (in his time 1/1000 fatality rate) was weighed against the risk of getting infected with smallpox, (at that time 30% of the population died due to smallpox) and he ruled that one should be vaccinated.
On the one hand, nowadays the risk factor of infection is statistically miniscule, due to the widespread use of vaccinations. On the other hand in order to perpetuate this we must continue to inoculate until there is worldwide eradication of any given disease, and the risk factor of becoming ill from the vaccine itself is scientifically unproven or negligible as well.
Therefore, many poskim conclude, an individual cannot be compelled to vaccinate their children (putting aside legal or school policy concerns). This is the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rav Neuwirth.
The Nishmas Avraham qualifies this by saying in the name of Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Neuwirth that inoculations should be strongly encouraged. Indeed, all the above poskim encouraged parents and doctors to vaccinate children.
In a much firmer stance, Rav Elyashiv, quoted by Rabbi Tatz in “Dangerous Disease & Dangerous Therapy,” says that all parents have an obligation to vaccinate as this is normative practice throughout the world, and is included in the parents’ basic obligation to care for their child. It would seem from the quote that he was very familiar with the scientific pros and cons and felt that until there was objective evidence to the contrary one must vaccinate to avoid danger; not vaccinating would be considered negligence on the part of the parent.
Additionally, Rav Elyashiv is quoted as ruling that parents of vaccinated children can insist that all other children in the class be vaccinated as well, so as to limit their exposure to disease.
There has been an ongoing discussion in Lakewood, NJ as to whether schools can insist that all children be vaccinated. After perusing the various statements, proclamations and psakim that have been issued over the last few years in the Lakewood controversy regarding immunizations, it seems clear that the (seemingly minority) opinions that do not support compulsory vaccinations are basing their psak, in part, on the fact that there is a portion of the medical community that is anti-vaccine, and the jury is still out on the issue. This is simply no longer true, and should be noted.
Additionally it should be noted that none of the Rabbonim involved discouraged vaccinations, they just felt the schools can’t mandate them.
In some states where it is legally mandated to vaccinate your children, there is the option of a religious waiver, where one can state their religion is against vaccinations. In light of all that has been discussed, according to all opinion it would seem incorrect to use a religious exemption, with Judaism being the religion.
The Current Polio Issue
So how about the current polio vaccine being recommended in Israel? This is a little different, and may not be subject to the above discussion.
In a nutshell as I understand it:
It seems that all children, once vaccinated, cannot contract polio. They can however still be carriers, and infect other unvaccinated people. Strains of polio have been found in sewers in Southern Israel, (much of the Muslim world does not vaccinate) and can therefore infect unvaccinated people. The current campaign introduces a weakened live strain of the virus into an already inoculated child, who then will not get sick, but will fight the virus and not be a carrier, and thus help eradicate the virus completely.
Although there doesn’t seem to be any statistical risk to the child getting the live vaccine, they cannot come into close contact with immune-deficient people. They also don’t gain anything, and there are (unsubstantiated by me) rumors of a very minute percentage of these children becoming ill as well.
The question then becomes a hashkafic one: Do I have to compromise, even minutely, my health or even convenience for the greater good? Furthermore, Should I compromise the health of some immuno-deficient people I may come in contact with for the greater good?
Something to think about, and if applicable discuss with your Rav.
May we merit the days when disease and illness will cease to exist!
In writing this article I leaned heavily on information presented by Rabbi Bush in Hakirah vol. 9, and an article by the Institue of Dayanim, pub. 17th Tamuz 5772, as well as information provided by the Ministry of Health.
Thank you! Any thoughts on the flu shot?
This article is severely under-researched. I have never read anything on TorahLab I have been so disappointed and frustrated with. As respected Rabbis and Educators it is your responsibility to be exhaustively informed and unbiased at the least. Please read up on the dangers of vaccines, the lack of need, how you can establish herd immunity without vaccinations and the actual percentages of risks vs benifits. I would start with https://docs.google.com/document/d/10A7cl0pmJ-fq58ZCTgT2ZRqs7snyo-kjhQgVGkVkS2I/mobilebasic?pli=1
I think you should be more inform about the side effects of immunization Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders
VACCeptable Injuries? – Revealing Information
Book Purchase:
(Hardcover and Kindle Version on Amazon)
For vaccine articles:
http://www.vacceptableinjuries.com .
A vaccine controversy exists, because every day children are injured by vaccines and families’ lives are changed forever by a medical intervention that has never been proven to be safe and effective in the first place. Alot like Nazism ans Stalinism, there is nothing worse than following blindly, in doing so, you are empowering a group of a few to make decisions for the masses.
This is a video I recommend specific to the polio outbreak in Israel. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_5MAuzR2oBw&desktop_uri=/watch?v=_5MAuzR2oBw
I agree with Chaykee Mor that the article is under researched. Important findings on Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40), and Polio Vaccine Fact Sheet here (the current situation is not that clear either): http://web.archive.org/web/20130522091608/http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/updates/archive/polio_and_cancer_factsheet.htm and http://www.sv40foundation.org/SV40-from-PV.html
Dear All,
I very much appreciate your interest in the article and your comments.
I would ask you to please not jump to conclusions as to how much research I’ve done. I’m not denying that there is a controversy, and I’m not even saying that there is no risk whatsoever.
To answer some of the points raised:
SV40, which was brought up by many of the articles linked, has not been put in polio vaccines since 1963. Even if, as you suggest, the manufacturers continued to distribute their stock that contained SV40, can we agree that it’s been depleted already?
Another point: as noted in one article linked, since 1986 individuals cannot sue vaccine makers. instead, if injured by a vaccine, there are funds available from the federal government. since 1986 2500 families have taken advantage of these funds. that’s 2500 children, from the 108,000,000 children born in the same period, or 0.002%.
It wasn’t until 1991 that the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS) was set up by the FDA and the CDC. Some 33,000 reactions were reported between 1992 and 1996. Before then, it’s anybody’s guess how many reactions and deaths there were, The FDA estimates that doctors still only report a small fraction of these adverse reactions—less than 10%. In 1998 the National Vaccine Information Center did a survey of New York pediatric offices and found out that “only one doctor in 40 reports a death or an injury following vaccination.” Yet this information has not been acted upon by either the FDA or the CDC, even with documented reports of death and neurological damage to infants.
Many of the adverse reactions to vaccination probably haven’t even shown up yet. After all, someone may not get a disease as a result of a vaccine that contained atypical forms of a disease agent or other contaminants until years after vaccination. And for many vaccines, a 48-hour limit has been arbitrarily set for reporting a reaction. This means that if a baby dies 50 hours after a shot, that death is not reported as an adverse reaction.
was keeping track. This information can be found through the FDA, DC and VAERS.
The FDA estimates that doctors still only report a small fraction of these adverse reactions—less than 10%. In 1998 the National Vaccine Information Center did a survey of New York pediatric offices and found out that “only one doctor in 40 reports a death or an injury following vaccination.” Yet this information has not been acted upon by either the FDA or the CDC, even with documented reports of death and neurological damage to infants.
Many of the adverse reactions to vaccination probably haven’t even shown up yet. After all, someone may not get a disease as a result of a vaccine that contained atypical forms of a disease agent or other contaminants until years after vaccination. And for many vaccines, a 48-hour limit has been arbitrarily set for reporting a reaction. This means that if a baby dies 50 hours after a shot, that death is not reported as an adverse reaction.
According to the HRSA (health resource and services administration, there have been over 14,000 private reports , as in, not from doctors, but from patients. You can see a detailed list on their website. http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/statisticsreports.html#Claims totalling over $2,734,733,648 in compensation. As if you can compensate “oops, we gave your kid brain damage for life”
I’m not saying everyone should do exactly as I do, I just think your way off base in claiming that there is a clear cut Halacha to vaccinate. It is our responsibility as individuals and in particular, as parents, to do the research, and make an educated decision. We’re in a hard place. There’s no easy answer. There are risks and benifits to each decision. We must do what we can to do what’s right and ask Hashem to protect us no matter what decision we make.
The question is not only if the vaccines contain SV40 as of now, but if we should trust the manufacturers and the government who did not immediately admit the problem (it took them 50 years!!!) AND continued administering the deadly vaccine (why waste money, right?)!!! There could easily be other -at least for the public -unknown ingredients involved in any vaccine at any time! And we really don’t have anyone other than Hashem to trust!
I agree with Chaykee completely. I’m reminded of a story of a young couple expecting their first baby. They began doing research on vaccines to decide whether they would be doing them or not. They went to a well respected Rav in NY and ask him his opinion. He told them in a nut shell…Once you know better you do better. You now know too much therefor it is not for you to do. Anyhow, I will never believe there is any such halacha to vaccinate.
You are saying: “There is a very clear commandment in the Torah to take preventative action to avoid danger…”.
Avoiding the risk of vaccination is just that! Mass vaccination has its own risks as well. E.g. which day would a baby meet 5 different (even weakened) disease causing viruses? The only chance is if s/he goes to daycare where other children are vaccinated and are practically contagious! This polio campaign is supposedly done to protect those who are not vaccinated.
Well, when hundreds of thousands of children in daycares and schools become contagious for 6 weeks (2 weeks through droplets!) by taking the OPV vaccine you wonder how that will protect those who are not vaccinated.
If no one will get sick as a result of this campaign ,that could only be because the unvaccinated children have GREAT immune systems WITHOUT being vaccinated!But why test them/test Hashem this way???
“Do I have to compromise, even minutely, my health or even convenience for the greater good?”
It’s an interesting question. It could lead to the following question – ‘Do I have to compromise my health to potentially save a life?’ with regards to donating a kidney (say perhaps to a family member) or a piece of liver.
You ony dealt with the issue of the relationship of the individual to society at the end. Disappointing. Could not the case be made that an unvaccinated child is actually made into a “rodef” by his parents? As Jews, we are responsible for one another. (Kol Yisrael Areveem zeh ba zeh!) There is a story in the Talmud about two men in a rowboat. One starts drilling under his seat. The other protests loudly. But the “driller” responds: “I am only drilling underneath my seat.” In society, when we drill under our own seat, everyone drowns.
That is why the “it’s my kid and I will do what I want to” argument is bogus. As a society, we are all in this together. As Ben Boychuk, an associate editor of the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal, writes: “Your right to refuse to vaccinate your children ends where my children’s right to avoid needless exposure to infection begins.”
1. Rashi breishis/Genesis 18:20. do not judge maters of life without SEEING the facts.
the link below shows you th3 90% drop in measels death before the measles vaccine
Cancer is skyrocketing & there many goverment and medical sites linking the MMR vaccine to thousand of cancer deaths
When a Rabbi paskens blindly it is a chilul hashem & shfichas domoim
Please watech the slideshow on measles outbreak here:
I have several more slideshows at
You can view my website at santabarbaravaccines.blogspot.com
My only conclusion is Rabbi Haber really needs to think long and hard what he said. I have many friends and family who have been injured by the vaccines. The Rabbi needs to read Pirket Avot and question himself if he has been serving God or he has been misleading us. Here are a few quotes for him to ponder on.
Pirket Avot Chapter 1
11. Avtalyon would say: Scholars, be careful with your words. For you may be exiled to a place inhabited by evil elements [who will distort your words to suit their negative purposes]. The disciples who come after you will then drink of these evil waters and be destroyed, and the Name of Heaven will be desecrated.
9. Shimon the son of Shotach would say: Increasingly cross-examine the witnesses. Be careful with your words, lest they learn from them how to lie.
16. Rabban Gamliel would say: Assume for yourself a master; stay away from doubt; and do not accustom yourself to tithe by estimation.
17. His son, Shimon, would say: All my life I have been raised among the wise, and I have found nothing better for the body than silence. The essential thing is not study, but deed. And one who speaks excessively brings on sin.
Please watech the slideshow on measles outbreak here:
You can view my website at santabarbaravaccines.blogspot.com
My only conclusion is Rabbi Haber really needs to think long and hard what he said. I have many friends and family who have been injured by the vaccines. The Rabbi needs to read Pirket Avot and question himself if he has been serving God or he has been misleading us. Here are a few quotes for him to ponder on.
Pirket Avot Chapter 1
11. Avtalyon would say: Scholars, be careful with your words. For you may be exiled to a place inhabited by evil elements [who will distort your words to suit their negative purposes]. The disciples who come after you will then drink of these evil waters and be destroyed, and the Name of Heaven will be desecrated.
9. Shimon the son of Shotach would say: Increasingly cross-examine the witnesses. Be careful with your words, lest they learn from them how to lie.
16. Rabban Gamliel would say: Assume for yourself a master; stay away from doubt; and do not accustom yourself to tithe by estimation.
17. His son, Shimon, would say: All my life I have been raised among the wise, and I have found nothing better for the body than silence. The essential thing is not study, but deed. And one who speaks excessively brings on sin.
While there are many rabbis, like the esteemed R’ Haber, who encourage vaccination, stating that a person must simply do the commonly accepted hishtadlus, there are a growing number who state differently in the area of vaccination, as a result of new scientific evidence.
First let me comment on the decision of R’ Eliyashiv cited in this article. That decision was made 20 years ago when children only received about 5 shots, so the situation was quite different to today when children receive 50+ shots. It is also ironic to note that it subsequently turned out that the parents’ concerns in that case of neurological damage were valid – the vaccine in question was the whole-cell pertussis vaccine which was subsequently withdrawn from the US in 1997 due to the high incidence of neurological damage that resulted. We see from here that even a great rabbi can only judge according to the facts that are presented to him.
The same conclusion applies to the decision cited in this article from Rabbi SZ Auerbach, also a decision from more than 20 years ago. A review of the facts cited in R’ Tatz’s book reveal that he was told that if not for vaccines, there would be an imminent epidemic and many more would die. How far from the truth – here are the facts for measles, as previous readers have noted:
Before mandatory vaccination for measles in the 1960s, the number of measles deaths had dropped to 450 annually (among the weak and old) – that’s about 2-3 in 1 million!! There is every reason to believe that the numbers would have continued to drop as hygiene and nutrition continued to improve. And while every death is significant, to get this in perspective, 5000+ will die this year from asthma, 1000s more from the recent epidemic of chronic childhood diseases, 43,000 from motor vehicle accidents, and believe it or not, between 44,000-98,000 Americans die in hospitals each year as a result of medical errors (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2000).
Even the CDC reported in 1999 that infectious diseases declined in the past century due to improvements in sanitation (e.g., no human waste and sewage in the streets), clean water and foods, and hygiene. Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, measles and polio all occurred only at the very end of the life cycle of each epidemic. Smallpox actually increased with the advent of mandatory vaccination and decreased only after parents and doctors pressured European governments to end mandatory vaccination programs.
So what today is considered proper hishtadlus bearing in mind the latest studies (i will cite them in a future comment, iy”H)? If a child is healthy, with no signs of neurological disorder, and he lives in a society where according to the CDC 1 in 6 children now have a neurological disorder, and 10s of studies link this with the Aluminum adjuvant found in vaccines, should he expose his healthy child to that risk because others do? On the other hand, what is the risk of death from a childhood disease – 2-3 in a million?
The information on vaccines is constantly changing so with all due respect to the esteemed rabbi, decisions from 20 years ago, let alone 100 years ago, have no relevance today.
Here is a quote from two other rabbis:
“Although one may follow the opinion of most doctors and choose to vaccinate his children, the individual who has done his research has the obligation to act according to his knowledge… the commandment… obligates him to shield his children from vaccines.” – R’ Shmuel Kamenetsky
“A Jew is obligated to explore what is harmful to him… in light of the main documented cases of adverse reactions… it would be considered a Torah transgression to ignore the issues without diligently researching it” – R’ Binyamin Zev Halpern
As is well-knjown, the CDC reports that today 1 in 6 children in the US have a neurodevelopmental disorder – 11% have ADHD (2011), 2% have autism (2013).
A 2017 peer-reviewed study was finally done this year comparing 300 vaccinated children to 300 non-vaccinated (of 6 and 12 year olds having similar living styles). The results confirmed our worst fears:
Almost one in nine vaccinated children (10.5%) had a neurodevelopmental disorder compared to only 1 in 32 (3.2%) of non-vaccinated children, including 5x as many kids with ADHD and 5x as many with autism. One in three had an allergy (vs. 1 in 14 of non-vax)… that’s aside from the risk of a weakened immune system which will cause the child to be susceptible to pneumonia (5x as much as non-vax) and ongoing serious ear infections (1 in 5 kids).
Here is another article with studies comparing vaccinated and non-vaccinated populations:
The reason for neurological problems, whether more or less serious, is because vaccines contain neurotoxic amounts of aluminum (Al), which can cause brain damage. Al adjuvant is a vaccine ingredient used for stimulating the immune system (to promote the formation of antibodies, thought to be a sign that the body has developed immunity). However, studies show that the Al nanoparticles are transported into the brain by white blood cells. A developing brain can therefore be permanently damaged when the immune system is activated by a vaccine. Immune activation has been researched extensively and is proven to cause autism and other brain damage. Immune activation during brain development has also been shown to cause schizophrenia, seizure disorders, and ADHD. This occurs prenatal as well as postnatal, during the first 2-3 years of a baby’s life. Despite the research, the CDC continues to promote multiple vaccines even for pregnant women, causing prenatal exposure.
Read more about this here:
Parents must clearly educate themselves about vaccines and diseases to the extent that they feel absolutely confident and well prepared to take full responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.
It is well-known that the US has the worst rate of infant mortality out of all 34 developed countries (6.4 per 1000, compared to Japan which is 2.5). A peer-reviewed study indicates that this is due to the much high number of vaccines given to babies in their first year as compared to other countries. It indicates that 1 out of 250 babies are dying from vaccines, notably from SIDS which only became common in the 1960s, after the introduction of mass inoculation.
Read more here:
Studies show that SIDS commonly occurs during periods when babies are vaccinated. In particular, baby monitors record infants experiencing difficulty in breathing after the DTaP vaccine.
VAERS (the body to which adverse reactions are reported) receive 30,000 reports of adverse reactions every year. In 2015 the vaccine court paid 400% more in damages than the previous year, and have paid out more than $3 billion dollars so far in compensation…
A recent problem discovered in a 2017 peer-reviewed study is contamination of vaccines. This is another possible reason that vaccines cause neurological and immunological diseases.
Read more here:
Part 1: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in 2017 Study
Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine.
Part 2: What the Industry Knows and Isn’t Telling You
Lead, chromium, nickel and other metals linked to brain damage and IQ deficits were detected in every adjuvant sample tested by the vaccine industry, study confirms Italian research
There are actually no clinical trials or studies showing the Hepatitis B vaccine is safe on babies, as attested to by the vaccine insert. So too it is unknown if babies actually develop immunity from the vaccine (and there is no evidence that non-vaccinated babies get hepatitis B more). Nevertheless, the CDC – who assume without evidence that the vaccine is effective – recommend hepatitis B vaccination for all newborns for a simple reason:
Public health officials and doctors could not persuade adults in high risk groups (primarily IV drug abusers and persons with multiple sexual partners) to get the vaccine.
[17 CDC:MMWR. Hepatitis B Virus: A Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the United States through Universal Childhood Vaccination. Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). Sept. 1991. Online. (Accessed Feb 2012) ]
If you’re not in one of these at-risk groups, then why does your baby need a vaccination when there is a real risk of brain inflammation from Al in the vaccine?
And if for whatever reason your doctor persuades you that there might be a risk, even though transfer from mother to child is rare, ask him for a simple blood test to determine if you, the mother, have Hepatitis B. If you don’t, your baby doesn’t need the vaccine, and certainly not the aluminum!)
The world leading immunologist, Dr Shoenfeld of Tel Aviv University, recently uncovered a new neurological/ immunological disease called “ASIA syndrome” – the primary cause is Al poisoning from vaccines such as Hepatitis B given at birth. 1000s have already been diagnosed.
http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/attacking-ourselves-top-doctors-reveal-vaccines-turn-our-immune-system-against-us )
This is aside from the evidence of neurological disorders caused by vaccines presented previous post.
An easy way to get a quick overview of the subject is to listen to lectures on the below hotline – the first lecture is given by a pediatrician. It’s very worthwhile:
Akeres HaBayis hotline 718-50609057 – then press #’s 6,4, then choose 1st lecture of the 133.
Overview articles
The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm
Shingles Vaccine Dangers Exposed In FDA Letter to Merck [Among other things, explains how the Chicken Pox vaccination has caused the spread of herpes zoster among adults]
Get your FREE copy of Vaccine Illusion HERE [Written by an immunologist, shows how vaccine theory is flawed and unproven.]
“Vaccines Revealed” – a 9-part documentary on vaccines: http://bit.ly/2pgGk0k
“Vaxxed!” This is a link to the censored version of the film (women are covered where necessary and unclean language omitted). <~WRD177.jpg> VAXXED FINAL.mp4
[If you want to contribute to the film, you can download the original version on amazon and pay the $5 download charge).
GREATERGOODMOVIE.ORG: Home of the multi-award-winning documentary, “The Greater Good” by WAPF honorary board member, Leslie Manookian. Find scientific articles on everything from post-vaccination brain inflammation to vaccine contamination, at: http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/learn-more/science/ [Maynot be kosher – enativ will not open this site]