by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber | Nov 20, 2014
The very last verse in Parshas Toldos tells us that Esav, after realizing that his parents disapproved of his Canaanite wives, went and married “Machlas, the daughter of Yishmael”. The Midrash, as well as the Yerushalmi (Bikurim 3:3) question this from the verse...
by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber | Jul 28, 2012
All evil that happen s to the Jews is because of Tisha B’Av, and therefore we mourn on Tisha B’Av even if that’s not the day it actually happened – Brisker Rav. This is explicit in this kinah that writes “their murders were as tragic as the burning of the Bais...
by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber | Jul 25, 2012
This year, we have the occurrence of Tisha B’Av on Shabbos. This makes for some interesting Halachic changes which we will explore. The only time a fast day supersedes Shabbos is when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, However when any other fast day is Shabbos it is pushed...
by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber | Jul 20, 2012
Tisha B’Av is best known as the culmination of the National Mourning Period over the destruction of the First and Second Bais Hamikdash. In truth the events of Tisha B’Av began much earlier when the Jews had left Egypt and were in the desert. They sent scouts ahead to...
by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber | Jul 8, 2009
The 17th of Tammuz has historically been a calamity prone day. The Mishna (Tanis 4:6) lists 5 things that happened to the Jewish nation n this day: 1) The Luchos were broken when Moshe Rabeinu descended from Har Sinai and came across the Golden Calf. (40 days after...