
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Haber

Rabbi, Los Angeles, CA
Doing The Shuckle – To Sway Or Not To Sway

Doing The Shuckle – To Sway Or Not To Sway

We’ve already discussed the bowing and bouncing parts of Prayer. Now let us take a look at the Shuckle. The Gemara in Berachos 31a asserts that many Halachos of Prayer, and specifically Shemonah Esrei, are learnt from the prayer of Chana in the Mishkan, as...
Pesach Sheini

Pesach Sheini

  Today is Pesach Sheini, the 14th of Iyar. Pesach Sheini is the make up date for those who missed Pesach the first time around due to their inability to bring the Korban Pesach on Pesach. In fact the Yerushalmi says that if Moshiach would arrive between Pesach...