by Rabbi Sender Haber | Oct 9, 2016
Introduction Let’s assume for a moment that most of us don’t spend our entire day studying and praying. We have professions, homes, cars, families, and all sorts of things to keep us busy. What should our approach be to those other parts of our life? Are they our...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Jun 30, 2016
The Jewish people could be pardoned for spying on the land of Israel. It was a regular military tactic and an example of good planning. Their problem was the way that they looked at the land. They forgot about Hashem’s promise and they forgot that the conquest was not...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Sep 11, 2015
One year is ending and another is beginning. We stand before G-d and ask him to bless us this year. We think of all of the good things that happened over the past year and hope that they will be repeated and multiplied. We think of all of the bad things – or the not...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Sep 23, 2014
The Medrash on Haazinu begins with an interesting statement. If someone has an earache on Shabbos, they are allowed to treat it as if the entire body is at risk. The ear is the gateway to the entire body. Good words have the power to change the entire person. Evil...
by Rabbi Sender Haber | Aug 27, 2014
The Torah tells us in Parshas Shoftim (17:22) – You should not erect a ‘Matzeiva’ – a monument, which your G-d hates. This Pasuk was one of six Pesukim etched onto King Solomon’s throne. The simple understanding of the verse is that we should not create a Matzeivah...